Interested in Christa Nieuwboer as a researcher, writer and lecturer? Read her biographical note and discover her skills and interests:
Christa Nieuwboer (1964) obtained her academic degree at Leiden University, in the field of religious anthropology, psychology and literature studies (Theology and Religious Studies, 1989). She worked several years as a youth/parenting practitioner and as a freelance graphical designer/journalist. After becoming the mother of twins (2000) she published a book about relationship skills during pregnancy and the transition to parenthood [1].
She began teaching at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in 2006, training future professionals for their work with parents and children. In 2010 her next book, describing a methodological approach to empowerment oriented parent support was published[2].
Next to teaching and training, she conducted her Ph.D. research from 2009 onwards at the University of Amsterdam, which was funded by Fontys University of Applied Sciences, enabling her to do research in the field of online parenting support. She has since dedicated her attention and knowledge on online parenting support to the development of a curriculum for parenting practitioners.
As of September 1st 2015 to August 1st 2016, she was lecturer/professor at Fontys University of Applied Sciences, covering the broad field of “Developments in parenting and parenting support”.
As of February 2016, she is a partner at Vantrood Educational Services, providing support to the IDEAL/Themis programme for social integration [3]. See
Christa’s research interests include parent-practitioner communication, online social networking, tools for online counseling for youth and families, and empowerment oriented guidance in parent support.
[1] Nieuwboer, C.C. (2005). Samen zwanger, het zwangerschapsboek met oog voor je relatie. Lannoo, Tielt: België/Nederland.
[2] Nieuwboer, C.C. (2010). Niet achter het behang, maar wat dan? Methodiek doelgerichte opvoedingsondersteuning. Noordhoff, Groningen: Nederland.
[3] Nieuwboer, C.C. & Rood, R.A van ’t (2016). Learning language that matters. A pedagogical method to support migrant mothers without formal education experience in their social integration in Western countries. International Journal of Intercultural Communication, 51, 29-40. Full text, open access.
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