Dit boek is een weergave van diverse lezingen en workshops tijdens een congres over Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants (Raad van Europa, Straatsburg, 2016).
Wij beschrijven aan de hand van de Themis-methode welke ontwerpprincipes aan inburgeringsonderwijs (m.n. voor deelnemers zonder opleiding) ten grondslag liggen.
Hoofdstuk 4, p. 201-206
Engelse samenvatting:
Educational courses that exist to support migrants in their efforts to participate in a host society should be properly designed with pedagogical expertise. In this paper, we clarify basic principles of adult learning, using the Themis method as an example. Instead of a fixed curriculum which aims to teach dominant and stereotypical cultural habits, a participatory approach fosters the development of new kinds of awareness and new ways of coping with the differences between cultures, and leads to more profound results in terms of self-confidence, participation, empowerment and language proficiency.
Christa Nieuwboer & Rogier van ’t Rood
Nieuwboer, C.C. & Rood van’t, R. Progress in proficiency and participation. An adult learning approach to support social integration of migrants in western societies. In: Beacco, J.-C., Little, D., Krumm, H.-J. and Thalgott, Ph. (eds.) (2017), The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants: Some Lessons from Research. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton in cooperation with the Council of Europe.