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Single session email consultation for parents: an evaluation of its effect on empowerment

Single session email consultation for parents: an evaluation of its effect on empowerment

This study evaluated the effect of single session email consultation (SSEC) on empowerment of parents. Practitioners in a control group (n = 19) received no training and practitioners in an experimental group (n = 21) were trained to use empowerment-oriented techniques in online consultation. Parental empowerment was measured (n = 96) through a questionnaire based on the Family Empowerment Scale before and after receiving advice from a trained or a non-trained practitioner. Parents showed a significant increase in the subscale of self-confidence (Cohen’s d = 0.33). Study findings lend support to the feasibility of SSEC as a brief intervention to improve self-confidence of parents. A training for practitioners did not influence the outcomes.

Klik hier (limited access):

Nieuwboer, C.C., Fukkink, R.G., & Hermanns, J.M.A. Single session email consultation for parents: an evaluation of its effect on empowerment. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, published online July 1, 2014.

Proefschrift “Online Parenting Support”

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Dit proefschrift wordt op 2 juli 2014 verdedigd aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Het is niet toegestaan de pdf te dupliceren of elders te publiceren.

Hyperlink zal beschikbaar zijn op 2 juli 2014 

Online Parenting Support_Proefschrift_Christa Nieuwboer

Bronvermelding Academisch proefschrift:

Nieuwboer, C.C. (2014). Online Parenting Support. Guiding parents towards empowerment through single session email consultation. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Practitioner Response to Parental Need in Email Consultation: How Do They Match? A Content Analysis



Single session email consultations in web-based parenting support may be used for a variety of reasons. Parents may be looking for information on developmental needs of children, for suggestions to improve their parenting skills, or for referrals to helpful resources. The way the practitioner meets the needs of parents, choosing a short-term and text-based approach, has not been analyzed up till now.

Lees verder Practitioner Response to Parental Need in Email Consultation: How Do They Match? A Content Analysis

Online programs as tools to improve parenting: A meta-analytic review



A number of parenting programs, aimed at improving parenting competencies, have recently been adapted or designed with the use of online technologies. Although web-based services have been claimed to hold promise for parent support, a meta-analytic review of online parenting interventions is lacking.

Lees verder Online programs as tools to improve parenting: A meta-analytic review

Peer and Professional Parenting Support on the Internet: A Systematic Review


Een systematisch overzicht van 75 studies over online opvoedingsondersteuning (1998-2010). 

The Internet offers many opportunities to provide parenting support. An overview of empirical studies in this domain is lacking, and little is known about the design of web based parenting resources and their evaluations, raising questions about its position in the context of parenting intervention programs. This article is a systematic review of empirical studies (n=75), published between 1998 and 2010, that describe resources of peer and professional online support for parents.

Lees verder Peer and Professional Parenting Support on the Internet: A Systematic Review

Samenvatting Dissertatie Online opvoedingsondersteuning

Uit dit onderzoek naar online opvoedingsondersteuning blijkt dat het onderwerp langzamerhand terrein wint in onderzoekspublicaties. Volgend op technologische mogelijkheden zijn online programma’s voor ouders steeds interactiever geworden en maken dergelijke programma’s steeds meer gebruik van multimedia. Dit maakt communicatie op velerlei niveaus en reikwijdte mogelijk. Naast peer support zijn er veel mogelijkheden voor professioneel advies.

Technologische ontwikkelingen zijn niet weg te denken uit ons leven en hebben ook hun impact op de manier waarop hulpverleners met ouders communiceren. We staan pas aan het begin van de ontdekkingstocht hoe dit moet. Ons onderzoek toont aan dat online opvoedingsondersteuning veelbelovende interventies mogelijk maakt. Met dit onderzoek hebben we een bijdrage geleverd aan de kennis op dit gebied.

Nieuwboer, C. (2014). Online Parenting Support, Guiding parents towards empowerment through single session email consultation (Doctoral dissertation). University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

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